

Neuroglancer is a browser-based application utilizing WebGL for viewing 3D imaging volumes, meshes, segmentations and annotations. It supports a number of data sources, including BOSS, render, precomputed, and nifti files.

NeuroData maintains a fork, hosted at This version has the following customizations:

  1. Color customization interface (useful for colorizing multiple overlaid channels)
  2. Export state to JSON
  3. Export and load state to/from an external JSON server

To load data into neuroglancer from our BOSS deployment, we recommend using ndwebtools, as specifying the data links in the neuroglancer interface by hand is error-prone.

The following URLs link to highlighted visualizations

  1. Lee16: Over 20 trillion voxel serial EM dataset
  2. zbrain Zebrafish Atlas (by Owen Randlett), meshed and overlaid with light data channels
  3. synaptomes: Manually annotated synapses on Electron Microsopy coregistered with array tomography
  4. ARA Allen Reference Atlas meshed

Annotation features

Please see our guides for some additional neuroglancer features

  1. Add point annotations from within Neuroglancer
  2. Add point annotations programmatically
  3. Create precomputed volume